Through the support of Dietitians of Canada (DC) and the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (CFDR), the 2019 Research Showcase at the DC conference represented a wide variety of practice-based nutrition research projects in Canada.
The 2019 Research Showcase consisted of several new elements this year. Early Bird abstracts were considered for either oral or oral ePoster sessions. New this year was the presentation of 11 Early Bird abstracts as oral presentations within the regular conference sessions: we called these “Lightning Rounds”. The remaining 27 Early Bird abstracts were presented as oral ePosters on June 6, 2019; authors presented their research in 2–3 minutes plus 2 minutes for questions, using their ePosters. For 2019, there were 3 concurrent oral ePoster sessions. All accepted, and presented, abstracts from the Early Bird submission are published in the Journal.
This research event would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of many people. On behalf of DC and CFDR, we extend a special thank you to members of our abstract review committee: Susan Campisi (University of Toronto); Elaine Cawadias (Retired); Andrea Glenn (St. Francis Xavier University); Brenda Hartman (Brescia College, Western University) Mahsa Jessri (University of Ottawa); and Jessica Lieffers (University of Alberta).
Thanks also to our moderators for the Oral ePosters: Barb Anderson (Acadian University); Jane Bellman (Dietitians of Canada); Brenda Hartman (Brescia College, Western University); Jessica Lieffers (University of Alberta); Dawna Royall (Dietitians of Canada); and Lee Rysdale (Northern Ontario School of Medicine).
We enjoyed interacting with many of you at the oral research presentations as we highlighted the findings from our dietetic colleagues across our country!
Finally, a special thank you to Gareth Willows Tribe and Michelle Naraine at CFDR for their assistance and support throughout the review process.
Christina Lengyel, PhD, RD
Chair, 2019
Early Bird Committee
Associate Professor
Director of the Dietetics Program
Human Nutritional Sciences
University of Manitoba
Janis Randall Simpson, PhD, RD, FDC
Chair, 2019
Late Breaking Committee
Professor Emerita
University of Guelph
Executive Director, CFDR