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Canadian Journal of
Dietetic Practice and Research
Volume 85Issue 3September 2024
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Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research volume 85, issue 3 cover

Current Issue

Volume 85Issue 3September 2024

Editor: Naomi Cahill PhD, RD
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research
  • 0.7 Impact Factor
  • 1.6 Scopus CiteScore
  • 37 H index
  • 0.336 SJR
  • 89/137SJR ranking: (Nutrition & Dietetics)
  • Stay Connected:
20 March 2024

CJDPR Celebrates the Impact and Contribution of Dietitians

March is Nutrition Month and on March 20th we celebrate Dietitians Day.  This years’ theme ‘We are Dietitians’ aligns with our mission to disseminate research conducted by dietitians and to inform the evidence-based practice of dietitians. Thus, nutrition month is an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of dietitians to the ongoing success of CJDPR.

We would like to thank the authors working in all areas of dietetic practice and research for selecting and trusting CJDPR to publish their valuable work.  We’re grateful for their co-operation during the multiple stages of the peer review and publication process.

We would like to express our appreciation to the dietitians who volunteer their time and expertise as reviewers. Their insightful comments on submissions are an essential component of editorial decisions. A list of reviewers who provided at least one review in 2023 can be viewed here.

Thanks also to the esteemed members of our Editorial Board for their support and efforts to advance the Journal.

Finally, thanks to our readers who value CJDPR as a source of important and relevant research by and for dietitians. 

CJDPR is proud to spotlight our profession’s contribution to the health and well-being of individuals and communities! We are Dietitians!

7 March 2023

Thank you to our peer reviewers

As a peer reviewed publication, the Canadian Journal of Dietetics Practice and Research would not exist without the willingness of reviewers to volunteer their time and expertise to provide insightful comments on submissions. Their recommendations are vital to the editorial decision-making process and to improving the quality of published papers.

The Journal uses double-blind review, which means that the reviewers identities remain confidential; however, we still wish to publicly acknowledge their efforts. To this end, each year we publish a list of reviewers who provided at least one review during the previous calendar year.   

You can see the list of 2022 reviewers here.

If you have reviewed for the Journal recently, or anytime in the past, we are deeply grateful.

Thank you!

27 February 2023

Sign Up for Journal E-alerts to Stay Informed

Stay up to date with the latest content in the Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research by signing up to receive an e-mail whenever a new issue becomes available or e-first articles are published online ahead of print. These free alerts list all the newly published articles so you can easily stay informed.

23 February 2023

Benefits of Publishing Open Access

The Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research (CJDPR) is a hybrid journal. This refers to a publishing model, whereby both traditional subscription-based content and open access content are permitted. As a member benefit, DC members receive a subscription to the online journal and are able to access all articles.

However, publishing an article as open access means that it is freely available to all researchers, practitioners, educators, journalists, policy makers and the general public without a subscription. This greater visibility can lead to the research being more impactful due to wider dissemination, increased engagement, and more frequent citation. Consequently, many funders, institutions, and governments encourage or require that grant holders make publications related to their research freely available and permit grant funds to be allocated to cover the associated publication fees.     

Following completion of the peer review process and acceptance of an article in the CJDPR, authors are provided with the opportunity to sponsor the open availability of their research online. The article publication charge at the CJDPR for this open access option is $2,000 with a discounted rate of $1,000 available to authors who are DC members.

Further details about this option can be found on the Journal website or please contact the editor, Naomi Cahill, to discuss.