Volume 65 • Number 3 • September 2004

Chair’s Message


Vol. 65No. 3pp. 101–105
Few people on Prince Edward Island meet the goal of consuming five or more servings of vegetables and fruit a day. The main objective of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of the nutritional benefits and barriers to vegetable and fruit intake among adult women in Prince Edward Island. Participants were 40 women aged 20-49, with or without children at home, who were or were not currently meeting the objective of eating five or more fruit and vegetable servings a day. In-home, one-on-one interviews were used for data collection. Thematic analysis was conducted on the transcribed interviews. Data were examined for trustworthiness in the context of credibility, transferability, and dependability. Most participants identified one or more benefits of eating fruit and vegetables; however, comments tended to be non-specific. The main barriers that participants identified were effort, lack of knowledge, sociopsychological and socioenvironmental factors, and availability. Internal influences, life events, and food rules were identified as encouraging women to include vegetables and fruit in their diets. Given the challenges of effecting meaningful dietary change, dietitians must look for broader dietary behavioural interventions that are sensitive to women's perceptions of benefits and barriers to fruit and vegetable intake.
Vol. 65No. 3pp. 106–113
Study objectives were to describe the introduction of foods and beverages and the use of vitamin and/or mineral supplements among infants aged six months, and to identify factors associated with following Québec recommendations on introducing foods and beverages. Study subjects were primiparous women interviewed by phone when their infants were approximately six months old. Data were gathered on foods and beverages offered to infants, the age at which these were introduced, and supplements. The use of each food, beverage, and supplement was evaluated according to recommendations. Mean age at which foods were introduced and proportions of women who followed recommendations were calculated. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify the factors associated with following recommendations. Results indicated that among the 1,937 interviewed mothers, 212 (10.9%) exclusively breast-fed their infants before age four months, 1,073 (55.4%) breast-fed their infants at birth but gave them formula or foods before age four months, and 652 (33.7%) formula-fed their infants at birth. Factors associated with adherence to recommendations were breast-feeding exclusively, being older than 30 years, an annual family income of at least $60,000, and being a non-smoker. Few mothers followed all the recommendations.


Vol. 65No. 3pp. 118–121
The benefits of nutrition assessment and support of the high-risk infant are well established. The premature infant remains vulnerable for poor growth and developmental disabilities, thus requiring consistent monitoring, intervention, and follow-up care. The purpose of this study was to determine the registered dietitian’s role in neonatal/perinatal follow-up programs. A survey was sent to the 26 follow-up programs in Canada. The questionnaire response rate was 81%. Registered dietitians were involved in 67% of these programs. Of these dietitians, 43% were assigned to neonatal/perinatal follow-up programs while 57% were involved only by consult. The average time that assigned registered dietitians devoted to programs was 0.35 full-time equivalents. Over 80% of the dietitians did ongoing development, evaluation, and modification of nutrition care plans; 71% screened new patients for nutritional risk, and 100% instructed patient families and developed teaching materials. The study findings will assist program planners who wish to establish a dietitian position in a neonatal/ perinatal follow-up program. For registered dietitians already working in such programs, the results may provide some guidance on role definition and expansion.


Vol. 65No. 3pp. 124–130
Energy requirements of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy appear to be disease-specific and different from the current recommendations for healthy children, varying depending upon functional capacity, degree of mobility, severity of disease, and level of altered metabolism. Feeding problems are prevalent in many of these children, and can result in inadequate energy intake. Wasting of voluntary muscles, a common symptom of cerebral palsy, contributes to reduced resting energy needs; nevertheless, the location of the central nervous system lesion may also influence energy requirements. To guarantee individualized, accurate, and optimal energy recommendations for this population, resting energy expenditure should preferentially be measured by indirect calorimetry. Equations and formulae to predict healthy people's resting energy expenditure are available, but tend to overestimate these children's energy needs. Future studies should address the role of the central nervous system in regulating energy metabolism in this population. When adequately nourished, children and adolescents with cerebral palsy appear more tranquil and require decreased feeding time, which gives caregivers time to develop the child's functional independence and character. Understanding energy requirements of this population will provide caregivers and health professionals with guidelines for providing optimal nutritional status.

Public Policy Statements

Vol. 65No. 3pp. 132–135
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and Dietitians of Canada (DC) that efforts to optimize nutritional status, including medical nutrition therapy, assurance of food and nutrition security, and nutrition education are essential components throughout the continuum of care available to people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.


Vol. 65No. 3pp. 136–138
An estimated 60-80% of the world's population is affected by iron deficiency. It is the most common preventable nutritional deficiency in the world, despite global goals for its reduction. Young children are the highest risk group, particularly during their rapid period of growth. Anemia in infants and young children is known to have a negative impact on motor and socioemotional development and cognitive function. A new intervention, microencapsulated ferrous fumarate Sprinkles, has been developed to treat iron deficiency. The development process took the intervention from the idea stage to the research stage to the implementation stage. Multiple micronutrient Sprinkles are a breakthrough in meeting the global challenge to reduce childhood anemia due to iron and other micronutrient deficiencies. The goal of the Sprinkles project is to reduce the global burden of childhood anemia by promoting healthy weaning practices, by advocating home-fortification strategies to increase the micronutrient content of weaning foods, and by making Sprinkles widely available, particularly in developing countries.

About the cover photo

Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research aims to publish research that directly informs evidence-based dietetic practice and to disseminate research conducted by dietitians in Canada. The Spring Issue acknowledges the Nutrition Month 2024 theme ‘We Are Dietitians’ by highlighting two papers evaluating the impact of dietitians in the care of pregnant people, and a third paper examining how the roles and responsibilities of dietitians were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

À propos de la photo de couverture

La Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en diététique vise à publier des recherches qui éclairent directement la pratique diététique fondée sur des données probantes et à diffuser les recherches menées par les diététistes au Canada. Le numéro du printemps reconnaît le thème du Mois de la nutrition 2024 « Nous sommes des diététistes » en mettant en avant deux articles évaluant l'impact des diététistes dans les soins aux personnes enceintes, et un troisième article examinant comment les rôles et responsabilités des diététistes ont été affectés par la pandémie de COVID-19.

List of Issues
Volume 85
Issue 2
June 2024
Volume 85
Issue 1
March 2024
Volume 84
Issue 4
December 2023
Volume 84
Issue 3
September 2023
Volume 84
Issue 2
June 2023
Volume 84
Issue 1
March 2023